

1. Every person, on becoming a member of the Society, under the Bye-Laws shall contribute to the CD, (Minimum amount: Rs. 200/- per month) for which 8% interest per annum is paid annually. CD may be deposited on or before 15th of every month (otherwise Rs.10/- per month will be charged as penal interest +GST @ 18%).

2. Minimum CD limit is Rs. 20,000 and Maximum CD limit is Rs. 1,00,000/- i.e., no CD is required to be deposited after Rs. 1 Lakh/-.

3. CD payment habit is one of the main factors for consideration/sanction of a loan. In case of irregular payment, there is a chance for rejection of loan application or the amount of loan shall be decreased based on the applicant’s payment habit.


Members may avail Saving Deposit facility for which the Society offers 4% interest per annum. Members can deposit/ withdraw any amount (without any limit). No TDS is deducted on withdrawal.


1. Fixed deposits are accepted from members only. No Cash is accepted. PAN Number is required. Confidentiality will be maintained about the Fds.

2. TDS is not deducted on interest or withdrawal. FD can be withdrawn at any time through Cheque/DD/Pay-order/Bank Transfer.

3. Loan against FDs will be available upto 90% of the FD amount and interest rate will be +2% per annum of the FD interest.


1. Special Recurring Deposits offer much higher interest rates on your deposits than other financial institutions. Separate Pass book will be issued for each account/scheme. If any member wants to discontinue the scheme in between, the deposits as on that date will be returned (with normal interest as per bye-laws) immediately.

2. Recurring Deposits are accepted for one or two years.